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Jiangsu nerte Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd
Contact person: Mr. Zhang
Hotline: 15312788120
Address: Chenbao Industrial Park, Xinghua, Taizhou, Jiangsu
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Tractor tractor

Product parameter

Performance and characteristics
■By SH500- 800 tractor converted, off-road ability, mechanical shift, double brake, flexible operation, high work eficiency.
■ For liting or traction wire, wire etc, has its own walking part, can be equipped with tow case transport cement pole and some small tools. Both
sides have three reel, reel big diameter is double side grooved, is used for the traction without twisting wire rope.
■The belt groove is efective protection without twiting wire rope is not damaged, the other side is a "V" shaped drum, mainly for traction ordinary
wire rope or nylon rope.

Next:TGC-50 Tractor Tractor (Shanghai National Third Engine)
Contact person: Mr. Zhang
Hotline: 15312788120
Address: Chenbao Industrial Park, Xinghua, Taizhou, Jiangsu
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