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Jiangsu nerte Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd
Contact person: Mr. Zhang
Hotline: 15312788120
Address: Chenbao Industrial Park, Xinghua, Taizhou, Jiangsu
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3T- Faster engine powered winch

Product parameter

Performance and characteristics
■Traction speed, the fastest 22 meters per minute traction, is two times more than the original cutter grinding;
■Light weight, compact structure, small volume;
■Web design more reasonable, convenient to use, the drum length is 190 mm;
■This power can be equipped with a gasoline engine, diesel engine (water-cooling, air cooling type), motor.

Next:TGC—350 Tractor Winch Mill
Contact person: Mr. Zhang
Hotline: 15312788120
Address: Chenbao Industrial Park, Xinghua, Taizhou, Jiangsu
Copyright2020 ©Jiangsu Net Electric Power Co.,Ltd Record No:Su ICP B No. 20016088-1