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Jiangsu nerte Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd
Contact person: Mr. Zhang
Hotline: 15312788120
Address: Chenbao Industrial Park, Xinghua, Taizhou, Jiangsu
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Aluminum alloy recovery tower

Product parameter

Performance and characteristics
■For the transmission lines tower at the time of the accident, as the interim measures to replace the original tower function, resume the power supply, thereby repair of the original tower, buy some fttings.
■Can also be used as bar, anti wind speed 25m/s,indicate.

Next:Internal suspending rod (steel)
Contact person: Mr. Zhang
Hotline: 15312788120
Address: Chenbao Industrial Park, Xinghua, Taizhou, Jiangsu
Copyright2020 ©Jiangsu Net Electric Power Co.,Ltd Record No:Su ICP B No. 20016088-1