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Jiangsu nerte Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd
Contact person: Mr. Zhang
Hotline: 15312788120
Address: Chenbao Industrial Park, Xinghua, Taizhou, Jiangsu
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Multi function hydraulic busbar prolessor

Product parameter

Performance and characteristics
■This machine is with reference to the domestic and foreign advanced products, combined with the actual situation, to improve work efficiency,
avoid the waste of human resource,the working time is saved, and the design and manufacture.
m For the construction site in the large workshop and power transmission and distibution engineering, and power distribution cabinet and the switch
cabinet and other electric appliances manufacturing factory use.
■The use of each function has a scale indication, may at any time to observe the working point of view, in order to ensure construction quality of
■This machine is equipped with four functions, namely, bending, vertical bending, ctting, punching, and another 1 groups, additional oil, can be
pressed, embossed with the.
I Optional foot switch or a wire control switch, convenient operation.
a Electric pump adopts aluminum lloy casing motor, light weight, low noise.

Contact person: Mr. Zhang
Hotline: 15312788120
Address: Chenbao Industrial Park, Xinghua, Taizhou, Jiangsu
Copyright2020 ©Jiangsu Net Electric Power Co.,Ltd Record No:Su ICP B No. 20016088-1