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Jiangsu nerte Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd
Contact person: Mr. Zhang
Hotline: 15312788120
Address: Chenbao Industrial Park, Xinghua, Taizhou, Jiangsu

Industry news

Welcome to Jiangsu nerte Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2020/5/25 14:10:39 Hits:403
Every year, the company invests a lot of money in new product development and product renewal. Dozens of experts and engineers from all over the country have devoted all their wisdom and sweat to improve the mechanization level of China's transmission line construction and ensure the quality of China's large-scale transmission line construction projects, and developed products with increasing scientific and technological content to better meet the needs of customers.
Next:Jiangsu nerte Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd sincerely looks forward to cooperating with you
Contact person: Mr. Zhang
Hotline: 15312788120
Address: Chenbao Industrial Park, Xinghua, Taizhou, Jiangsu
Copyright2020 ©Jiangsu Net Electric Power Co.,Ltd Record No:Su ICP B No. 20016088-1